The Learning Curve in 2024! by Abhishek Haridasan
The vision was exciting, and the goal was enticing, however, the learning journey was a steep and continuous ascending curve moving northwards. There were some stumbling blocks in between, mostly self-made and there were some doubts within, but the year panned out through multiple blessings and with the guidance of loved ones and the Almighty!
Could it have been better? We all believe in keeping some room for improvement and a chance to get better at what we do! The year had many things to look forward to, but everything across the world made it feel like the destructive mode was on, yet millions were able to survive, while the other millions waited for relief and happiness to reach their lives.
One part of the world found new ways to germinate prosperity, while the other focused on dealing with internal conflicts and full-blown propaganda. Artillery and warfare were seen in action, however, there was also amazement and awesomeness across other walks of life.
Life was on the tenterhooks, and many of us prayed for miracles or even worked harder to create one with pure grit, determination, and the idea of being earnest.
The idea of daily learning crossed everyone's minds and each moment was looked upon as an opportunity to get better and never slide back into the cocoons we are so used to.
In between, we dealt with health scares and attacks on innocent lives and saw viciousness take full control of blessed souls; deep down, we knew we were dealing with satanic beings, yet we kept hope and believed that the world was nicer than how it is portrayed! We did find a way out of the ruckus, yet not without a few scars which we felt would be healed. These scars might be with us for a few more years, and we will find the right ointment to remove those blemishes.
I, and millions of others, learned that patience is a virtue, anger is a vice, and idealism exists in notebooks but must be taught because we are individuals who thrive on sincerity and simplicity and cannot afford others to lose sanity.
The year is a clutch and makes everyone accelerate across the months, helping find each individual's way to a newer and shinier life! The learning curve about humanity and people may be a continued pursuit, however, never rule out the possibility of a new verse taking the world by storm and positively influencing our lives.
The year might be ending, or would have ended by the time the world reads this; the idea is to keep placing your palm on your heart, with the sole purpose of finding your journey and settling only when your heart finds contentment.
This year, the next year, and the decades that lay ahead of us; miracles wrapped with magic, mirth, and magnificent experiences.
Let each year create a new way to grow as an individual and empower minds too!
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