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Nurturing Joy: Cultivating Happiness in Children

  An article by Riddhima Sen  COLLABORATION - INTERNATIONAL CHILDREN'S WELFARE SOCIETY Happiness is not just a fleeting emotion; it's a state of being that influences every aspect of a child's life. As parents, educators, and caregivers, our role in nurturing happiness in children is pivotal. Creating an environment where kids feel safe, loved, and valued lays the foundation for their emotional well-being. Encouraging play and exploration is essential for a child's happiness. Through play, children learn valuable skills such as problem-solving, creativity, and social interaction. Whether it's building with blocks, pretending to be superheroes, or exploring nature, play fosters joy and curiosity in children. Another key factor in promoting happiness is fostering positive relationships. Healthy connections with family, friends, and supportive adults provide children with a sense of belonging and security. Taking the time to listen, validate their feelings, and engage

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