मोल - A poem by Promila Devi Sutharsan Huidrom

मिट्टी का मोल चुकाना है

अब बहुत हुआ – अब आना है

देह से ये क्या – व्याकुल मन

अन्य से नही - साहसी बन -

उत्साह की होड़ मची हलचल

हम आएँगे बहुत चुकाना है -

मिट्टी का मोल चुकाना है ।


अल्पतम ही - सक्षम हम

बेहतर तुच्छमात्र ही सही

कार्य करने को कई अभी

आना है – मोल चुकाना है

मिट्टी का मोल चुकाना है ।


सामर्थ्य यही मेरा के

कुछ नही - कुछ कर जाना है

इस मिट्टी से आए थे - इस मिट्टी

ही में मिल जाना है –

मिट्टी का मोल चुकाना है


कुछ योग्य – अयोग्य

कुछ साध्य – असाध्य

असंभव कुछ नही

यही प्रतीत हो – यही कर जाना है

मिट्टी का मोल चुकाना है ।


-प्रोमिला देवी सुदर्शन हुइद्रोम

About the Author 

Promila Devi Sutharsan Huidrom/ Promila, is an expressive, eloquent Poetess with an immense wit and humor. Promila is brought up in Pune, India and have been living in Norway since Jan 2005. Being a Pravasi Poetess and the only Manipuri/Meitei Poetess writing in Hindi from Norway, she has a profound passion for writing. She is also an active Philanthropist, Activist, and a Mother of 2 young Little girls.

Her cogitative thinking has made her actively write since the age of 15 and after working as a Software Consultant and also having a degree in MSc - Innovation and Entrepreneurship from University of Oslo, Norway, she decided to take up writing professionally and sincerely.

Her 2 books “Mera to yeh mai bhi nahi” and “Ayushya” has been a great sucess and she is currently working on few Anthologies and also on her subsequent Books.

Writing for her is not just coherent thinking but also deep analysis of thoughts jotted down in beautiful lyrical words. Life is words and words are music for her which she is in deep love with.
