Live For Yourself Lady - Author Sucharita Parija

 Live For Yourself, Lady

Live today for yourself,

Today's awesome lady,

Forget silly notifications,

Dump toxic connections.

Take and toss negativity,

From the crowded mind,

Clean the mind-dustbin,

With a sponge of peace,

And wipe it rather happily.

You are the God's prayer,

Beyond anyone's honour,

You have only one mission,

To help the stray society,

Above your feeble ability,

Using your internal acuity.

Ignore the juvenile antics,

They do not portray you,

Be wary in your pathway,

Avoiding the evil's tangle,

Challenging your strength,

To mount the highest cliff.

Recall your dreams unfailingly,

The task taken in this lifetime,

Boost your frivolous senses,

To reach the gate of dreams.

Take a tiny step forward,

Not to glance backwards,

Do not get crushed easily,

Engaging in the uphill fight,

Train yourself for harsh times.

Remind yourself of the beauty,

That lies below the dark scars,

You are the queen of Lone Land,

You endured the brutality of it all,

Still surviving with pure dignity.

Pull yourself above dim alleys,

Cloudy days or chilly winds,

The harsh summer seasons,

Confronting endless turbulence.

You are the radiant sunshine,

The guiding light for humanity,

Dispelling the night of oblivion,

As you are the dauntless hero.

Author Sucharita Parija wins The Rashtiya Lekhak Samman 2024, for her wonderful writeup. She has wonderfully portrayed how important it is for a Lady to live for themselves in the hustle and bustle of life. This is a wonderful writeup that everyone must read.


  1. The poem beautifully portrays the immense strength of a woman.It is an inspiration for every woman.
    Kudos to the renowned poetess Sucharita!


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