Women Are The Real Architects Of Society - Harinder Cheema

 Women are leaders everywhere and are playing a significant role in every walk of life.

A Woman is a pillar of strength whether she is a CEO of a company or a housewife who with utmost dedication looks after her family and her home.

The first Teacher at home is the Mother who teaches the basic etiquettes and manners  to her child and is responsible for shaping the personality and building the character of the child much before he enters the school for a formal education.  She educates and disciplines her  child for a better living. She instills in her child the values and traditions of her family. She is the "Brain " of the family.

She is also an emotional nurturer and a spiritual guide. The child who  is brought up with love, care and values , grows up to become a responsible citizen and is able to contribute to the Society in a positive manner . 

It is a well- known fact that women are mentally strong  and sometimes it is so because they have no choice but to be strong. So they lead by example.

Here I would like to share a daring story of a mother who with her resolve and determination shaped her and her child's destiny in the face of all odds. 

Livey Wan Wyk was just seventeen years old when she discovered that she was pregnant and HIV positive. She was brave enough to announce her HIV status during a time of much stigma and rejection . She was then enrolled in UNICEF -supported program helping prevent mother to child transmission of HIV.  She gave birth to a healthy baby boy and then took control of her own destiny and she became at the age of 26, the youngest Mayor in Namibia.

This is just one story. We must not forget that the great saints, sages, scientists, scholars, philosophers who have contributed greatly to the society and the world were brought into this world by their great mothers. Therefore,

Women are the actual Architects of the Society and they deserve to be respected for that. I would like to conclude this article with a poem of mine that celebrates  

"Womanhood ".


THE creator was breathing romance 

He did not create a woman just by chance 

He wanted to create a beautiful creature 

So he started collecting elements from the nature 

He took the softness of the dew 

Freshness from the petals new 

Brightness directly from the sunlight 

Serenity of a moonlit night  

To this he added , the ferocity of a storm 

So that no one took for granted her fragile form 

Her features he carved with great care 

And at his creation in  awe he stared 

His heart was filled with a sense of pride 

But He also felt jealous that she would become a man's wife

How He wished He could become a mortal!

And worship her as a goddess, putting her on the pedestal 

It was the woman who urged the Almighty God, 

"Please send me on Earth oh ! my Lord."!

As man's better half I will take birth

And make his life living worth

The creator was amazed at her thoughts so pure

Even before taking birth , of herself she was so sure

With a heavy heart and eyes filled with tears,

He said, " At times you will be abused and disrespected my dear"!

With gratitude in her eyes,

 she promised to make every sacrifice 

And that's how she became a man's wife 

To bring some sanity in his life 

So  respect  the  woman  in your life 

Whether she is a daughter, beloved or your wife 

Remember the immortal creator gave her the right ,

As his ambassador in the mortal world to create life.
