Independence day


Life is blissful if you are on path of courage and strength.The best way to progress is freedom's path.Independence day marks the sacrifices that our freedom fighters made during the struggle against the British rule.They loved the country and they cared for the people.This is a day when people of the country come together as one and celebrate great day with enthusiasm and fervor.They organise cultural programs in several public places,schools,colleges,offices.India celebrates 15 August as Independence day.We pay tribute to our freedom fighters.It motivates us to love our country.It tells us the real value of freedom and liberty.


It inspires the people of India to forget their differences and rebuild the country.Everyone celebrates this day with great zest and happiness.Several events and exhibitions are organised on this occasion.It shows us the power of unity.They had to make lot of sacrifices to attain freedom from British rule.


The Independence day reminds us of beginning of a new era and start of a new life free from bondage.It was with the constant and determined years of efforts of the freedom fighters that India got its Independence.It unites diverse individuals all over the country.Unity in diversity is fundamental path and strength of India.It reminds us of great paragons,which were the foundation of free India,envisioned and realised by the great leaders and freedom fighters.Independence day is a day to exhibit pride,unity and integrity among all Indians.It is our duty to serve our nation and make every possible effort to make our country better.It is now in hands of the people to shape and form the future of our country.


Roopal Arora



