Discussing Work Life Balance with Authors with Shaheen Kazi


The work life balance in very important in the life of any individual. With correct work life balance ,one can not only excel in their personal lives but excel in their jobs as well. Today we would be discussing about the “Work life Balance in the Life of Authors with Shaheen Kazi.

Q1) Hello Shaheen ! You have wonderful views on several topics and it is the immense pleasure of the Koala Kraft Team to do an interview with you. Please tell us a bit about your profession, so that our readers would get to know in details about you.

Ans : Hey there, Koala Kraft Team! I'm excited to tell you about my writing journey. I've written eight books in different genres like romance, poetry, children's books, horror, and even erotica. I've also had the chance to contribute to some anthologies and write articles for The Literature Times. It's been a wild ride, but I'm grateful for every opportunity.

Q2) What comes to your mind ,when I say the word “Work Life Balance .”

Ans : When I think of my life, I see a "See-Saw" with my work on one side and everything else on the other. I risk losing something important if I don't balance my focus on both.

Q3) Do you think creating a work life balance is more difficult for women than men . What is your thought behind this topic.

Ans : Please excuse me if my perspective on this topic is too forward. Only some people will agree with me. The challenges women face are endless. I tackle my struggles differently as a homemaker, mother, and author. As a couple, we have our responsibilities. However, I have many work-related tasks to complete daily and must catch up to reach my goals. When considering women's experiences, it is essential to acknowledge their many challenges in balancing work and home responsibilities. Many women leave their homes each day to work outside the home, often encountering obstacles in the workplace before returning home to fulfil their household duties. Recognizing women's critical contributions to the workplace and their homes is essential. If a woman is a mother, she has a particular commitment to her children. Not all women are fortunate enough to have a full-time maid at home. The question then arises: how many men come home and willingly share the workload or responsibilities with their partner? Most men expect perfect care from their partner after coming home, believing they are the only ones tired and treated like babies. This mentality is typical in Indian culture. A working woman must sacrifice her professional life for motherhood if she becomes a mother. However, the responsibilities only intensify from this point. Therefore, women face more challenges than men regarding achieving work-life balance.

Q4) Your thoughts are really loved and admired by the readers. What are the few steps you think that can help a person to maintain work life balance .

Ans : I truly appreciate those who read and relate to my thoughts. It's always a pleasure to interact with such brilliant readers.

- To achieve a balance between work and personal life, it is essential to understand your priorities and manage your time effectively. Good time management is vital for keeping that balance. 

-Make time for things that make you feel alive, including your passions.

-It's essential to take care of your physical and mental health.

-Learn the valuable skill of prioritization and the power of saying 'no' when needed, both in your work and personal life.

-Only make commitments you can keep; avoid over-promising.

-Remember to take breaks regularly, which is crucial for maintaining a healthy mind.

-Invest time in meaningful relationships, especially with loved ones.

-Prioritizing quality time and maintaining a healthy work-life balance is crucial. Limiting personal calls during work hours, and vice versa, helps you stay focused and avoid distractions that hinder productivity. By managing your time effectively and setting boundaries, you can have ample time for both personal and professional pursuits without one interfering with the other. Remember, a balanced life leads to a happier and more fulfilling existence.

Q5) Do you feel a person can find out time for their hobbies while maintaining work life balance.

Ans : Exploring your hobbies and interests's always a good idea, as they can bring much joy and fulfilment to your life. Of course, the amount of free time you have to pursue these hobbies may vary depending on your circumstances. Some people may have more leisure time than others, but regardless of your time, it's essential to make the most of it and do things that bring you happiness and satisfaction. Whether reading, painting, playing sports, or anything else, finding a hobby that speaks to you can be a great way to relax, unwind, and enjoy your free time. For individuals frequently consumed by work responsibilities, it can be quite challenging to carve out time for leisure activities and personal interests. However, dedicating even a mere ten minutes per day to engaging in a hobby can significantly impact one's ability to remain connected with their passions and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Q6) It is said that work life balance makes a person more happy and cheerful and also keeps them active . What is your personal experience with this ?

Ans : I agree with you. This mindset can make you a happier and more energetic individual. I am passionate about reading, writing, Knitting, and other creative activities like painting. Reading and Knitting have been central to my daily routine for many years. Painting, I am not in touch regularly, but reading and Knitting are both my passion, and I thank God for giving me the fortunate time to start my day in the morning by reading a few pages and knitting for a few hours in the afternoon. Spending time with my hobbies is a passion of mine, and I feel enthusiastic when I spend time with them. This toner stimulates my mind to write more attractively than before. So far, I have read 170 books, yet my reading is ongoing, and it will be with me until my last breath. And I have knitted so much stuff for my family. And still, my wools are wrapped in the needles for more stuff. Engaging with your passions does not mean you're antisocial.
